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Dr. Balaraju Naidu Best Orthopedic Surgeon in Hyderabad

Best Orthopedic Surgeon in Hyderabad

The term "orthopedics" refers to the examination of bones in relation to the muscles and the skeleton. On the other hand, the term "surgeon" refers to a person who excels in operations. When a doctor cuts the body of humans or animals to treat a problem or illness in the person or animal concerned, it is called an operation. The term surgeon has different categories. A surgeon can be a dentist, doctor, podiatrist or veterinarian. The term orthopedic surgeon may therefore refer to a surgeon who is distinguished in the field of medical science with a disturbance in the normal functioning or a malformation of the spine and the joints.

An orthopedic surgeon offers patients surgical and non-surgical treatment. However, it is best known for surgical treatment. It involves surgery on the spine, hand, elbow, foot or ankle.

Dr. Balaraju Naidu

Dr. Balaraju Naidu Best Orthopedic Surgeon in Hyderabad

To be an orthopedist, a Indian citizen must study 4 years. Otherwise, he has to complete 4 years of clinical studies. He also has to undergo training in orthopedic surgery. The internship lasts five years. It covers the general surgery one year and the specialization four years. As in any country in the world, it is very difficult to be selected for training in this field. The American Council for Orthopedic Surgery provides certificates to these specialists if they meet all requirements and follow all the steps set forth in the Board Policy.


Best Orthopaedic Hospital in Champapet

ONUS HOSPITALS FOR SPECIAL MEDICINE AND SURGERY located in Champapet, Hyderabad, was born from a dream to provide speedy, accessible and quality healthcare to people from all sections of our society. Every member of the team is committed to the compassionate caring of our patients, their families, and our society. Our qualified staff is dedicated caregivers supported by the highest order of innovation, science and technology.

The type of treatment offered by an orthopedist depends on your problem. But as a responsible citizen, it is also your job to get a good overview of the surgeon before you instruct him. Make sure that the surgeon you are meeting has received the certificate required by the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery. Of course, you do not want to risk your life by having a surgeon who is not adequately trained and experienced. If he agrees with his certificate and experience, try to be as friendly and open as possible when you meet him. It is very possible that an orthopedist will find a non-surgical treatment for you. However, if your condition really requires surgery, this is exactly what you need.

Dr. Balaraju Naidu

In summary, an orthopedic surgeon plays an important role in the treatment of pain or problems associated with the muscles or skeleton. However, they must spend many years of their lives serving people as orthopedic surgeons. They present themselves as orthopedists according to a systematic procedure. A surgeon needs at least fifteen years of training. On the other hand, it takes at least eight years of training for a non-surgeon. In addition, he must pass a written and oral exam before being certified by the Orthopedic Surgery Council. They therefore deserve to be recognized.


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